Jam - blackcurrant jelly for the winter

How wonderful it is to open a jar of fragrant jam on a winter evening and enjoy it with a cup of fragrant tea! Or serve with pancakes! Delicious, isn't it?

Friends, for those who love jam, jam or marmalade, join us, because now I will tell you how to make wonderful thick blackcurrant jam for the winter. Ready chilled currant jam looks like jelly. No, this is not the one that we love very much as a family. Here is a slightly different jelly.

The secret is that the currant has a natural gelling property, thanks to which it gives the finished product such a state.

I made blackcurrant jelly. But if the currants are passed through a sieve, which I did not want to play with, the jelly will turn out at the highest level. And in my version, it turns out currant jam-jelly.

If you look closely at the photo, you will barely notice the seeds from the currant. Although, to tell the truth, they are not as small and tender as, for example, raspberries. How I achieved such a homogeneous currant jam, read on, there I will tell you everything in detail about this.

required ingredients:

  • blackcurrant - 1 kg.,
  • sugar - 600 gr.
  • currant jam for the winter step by step recipe

    To tell the truth, I have never cooked jam or jam 1: 1. I don't see the point in this. Someone might want to argue with me, please! I would be happy to chat, send your feedback in the comments. In the meantime, let's go back to our recipe and make currant jam. Pour the crushed currants with sugar and mix immediately. Yes, the amount of sugar depends on the currant. If it is overripe and sweet (this also happens), feel free to take less sugar. But in most cases, the currant is a sour berry, so this proportion will be just right. A large percentage of sugar in jam can only say one thing about you - you have a big sweet tooth. As they say: there are no comrades for the taste and color! In general, after combining currants with sugar, put the cauldron on medium heat and bring to a boil. Turn off the fire and cool. We carry out this procedure exactly three times. Each time the cooking time is increased by a couple of minutes. And while stirring, we also do not score. Then a little secret: we pass the boiled, softened, hot currants again through a meat grinder, but always through nozzle 1 (with small holes).

    P.S. The summer turned out to be hot, so every weekend, of course, if possible, we leave the city. This time we went for 70 km. from home, to our river Dniester. We even found a sandy beach. The children swam, and I enjoyed the landscape of nature. Well, it's beautiful!

    Returning home, we observed another thing - beautiful sheaves of hay.
    Which were very neatly folded into such a tower.

    Dear readers and guests, this is where I will end my post, but do not be bored, we will see you again soon and then I will tell you how to cook very tasty squash caviar, which even I am delighted with!