How to keep dried fish for a long time. How to store dried fish at home: in the refrigerator and freezer? There are several types of smoked fish

Few people can refuse a tasty and fragrant slice of fish, combined with boiled potatoes or a glass good beer. Fans of such a fish know that, in addition to piquancy, it is nutritious and healthy. Dried fish contains essential amino acids and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which affect health in the most beneficial way. In addition, it has a low calorie content and is well absorbed by the body.


If you could not resist the fragrant tasty fish and stocked it up for future use, it's time to learn how to properly store dried fish so that it does not dry out and does not "disappear" ahead of time.

How to choose dried fish

You need to choose dried fish carefully and carefully: only carefully selected carcasses can maintain freshness for a long time. With the wrong approach to this issue, the risk of serious poisoning is high. Consider the main signs of quality fish that you need to focus on when buying:

  • pay attention to the color of the scales - it should have a brownish or gray tint. The yellow or red color of the abdomen is not allowed - this is a sign that the fish has been salted for a long time and will be bitter;
  • the first-class fish will feel elastic and only slightly harsh to the touch. Excessively hard and tough product is no longer quite fresh;
  • inspect the scales - it should be dry, whole and even, without obvious traces of salt. Deformed, shabby scales and traces of moisture, especially in the abdomen, are a reason to refuse a purchase;
  • The smell of fish speaks volumes. It is worth sniffing closer to the tail - the aroma of the sea and salt speaks of the freshness of the product, but the subtle smell of rot is an alarm signal. For example, pike smells sweet, and if you smell mud or swamps, it is better to refrain from purchasing such fish.
When buying, you can conduct a simple test for the quality of the product: make a small puncture in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe rear fin. If dark mucus with a sharp musty odor is released, the fish is unfit for food.

How to dry fish, read this article.

Storage of dried fish

So, a fresh and high-quality product is chosen. It remains to learn how to properly store dried fish at home.

The easiest way is to wrap it in paper or parchment and place it in a dark, cool and well-ventilated place. At room temperature not higher than 20 °C and humidity not more than 75%, the fish can be stored for about 2 months.

If you have a pantry, attic or dry basement at your disposal, where the temperature does not exceed 10 ° C, you can keep the freshness of the fish for 4 months. To do this, the product is wrapped in several layers of thick paper or placed in linen bags and hung on hooks.


In addition, cardboard or wooden boxes and wicker baskets are used for storage. In this case, the carcasses are not wrapped in paper, but laid between the layers and covered from above. However, under such conditions, the fish gradually dries out and slightly decreases in size and weight. If this method is not to your liking, then it is better to store dried fish so that it does not dry out in the refrigerator or in a tin.

Before preparing dried fish for long-term storage, make sure that it is not damaged by microorganisms, has no traces of mold or oxidative processes.

In the refrigerator, dried fish will lie for about 2-3 months, just do not forget to wrap it with paper beforehand (not very tight).

In a tin with a tightly closed lid, the fish will “hold out” for several months. This method protects against shrinkage, prevents the penetration of air and light into the jar. Keep the container in a dark, cool place.

If you could not find a tin can, you can put the fish in a glass container and create a vacuum: for this, a small lighted candle is placed in a jar with tightly packed fish and rolled up with a lid. All oxygen will burn out, a vacuum will form, salt will absorb the remaining moisture, and the fish will be “preserved”. In this way, you can save the product for up to 6-12 months (depending on the fat content of the fish).

But how and where to store dried fish for a longer time, for example, if you have a large stock or want to save the product for some holiday? Then choose a freezer for storage. Frozen dried fish will retain its original qualities for 6-12 months; it is not recommended to store it longer. With this method, the carcasses are wrapped in several layers of paper and placed in the freezer.

The surest way to spoil dried fish is to store it in a plastic bag or foil.

All considered storage options are suitable for both purchased and self-cooked fish. Following the recommendations, you can keep the product for a relatively long time. However, in whatever conditions dried fish is stored, it will be tastiest in the first month after cooking.

Text: Anastasia Doroshenko

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Many people love dried fish. But often they have a poor idea of ​​how to preserve dried and dried fish long time. If stored improperly, this product will deteriorate in taste. In addition, eating such a "delicacy" can lead to poisoning. You can buy dried fish in small batches. But it makes no sense to cook it yourself in several pieces, the process will turn out to be too laborious and costly; a a large number of must be able to save.

What are the benefits of dried fish

To cook dried fish, it must first be salted for several days (from 3 to 5), soaked, and then dried, hung in the air. Moreover, it is important to correctly guess the moment when it will be ready, so as not to overdry. It is a ready-to-use product that does not require heat treatment.

Prolonged salting kills all microorganisms. At the same time, due to the fact that the fish is not exposed to high temperatures, it retains all the useful vitamins and minerals. Therefore, its regular consumption improves thyroid function, lowers blood cholesterol, normalizes blood clotting and has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.

However, in order for this delicacy to retain its beneficial features for a long time, it is necessary not only to cook it correctly, but also to correctly organize the storage of this product at home.

Dried fish storage rules

Only high-quality and freshly prepared fish is used for storage. If the product has an unpleasant odor or has traces of mold on it, then it is better to get rid of it so as not to expose yourself and loved ones to the risk of poisoning.

There are several ways to store dried fish for a long time at home.

  • You can keep it for a long time in a cool room. A pantry, a barn, an attic or a balcony are quite suitable for this, if it is located on the shady side of the house. Dried carcasses should be wrapped in paper (tracing paper, packaging or for baking), large ones - individually, small ones - several pieces at once. This way the product will not dry out. Bundles should be hung in a cool room so that they are not exposed to sunlight. The humidity level should be 70-80%. Excessive dampness will cause the product to become moldy. Too dry air will dry out the delicacy. It will be edible, but will lose its flavor as the fish oil goes rancid.
  • The longest storage at home can be ensured by placing dried fish in the freezer, after wrapping it in paper. It will be right if it is packaged in advance in small portions. This will allow you to get the right amount of product as needed without defrosting the rest. In this way, you can save blanks without loss of quality for 6-12 months.
  • If it is not possible to use the refrigerator, then you can store dried fish for several months in the old proven way - in a glass or metal jar with a tightly closed lid. Put the fish in the prepared container, place a lit candle there and close the lid tightly. When the oxygen burns out, the candle will go out on its own. The product does not dry out under such conditions, and the absence of air protects it from the development of microorganisms. Banks should be placed in a place inaccessible to sunlight.

Do not store dried fish in plastic bags, as it will sweat and quickly become covered with mold. The product will become unfit for food and will have to be thrown away.

Do not unnecessarily lay a large amount of dried fish for long-term storage. Even under conditions close to ideal, the taste of this product deteriorates over time, so it is best to eat it freshly prepared.

Dried fish storage rules

Dried fish is often confused with dried fish, although in fact it is different products. It is obtained in one of two ways - fresh-dried (without pre-salting) or salt-dried (with pre-salting). Salt fish for drying for only a few hours (for drying - several days). Although the development of almost all bacteria is stopped in the process of dehydration (which makes it possible to store it), it does not completely destroy them, especially when using the fresh-dried method. That's why this product is a semi-finished product that requires further heat treatment. It can be used to prepare broths, minced meat, as well as fishmeal.

Cooking dried fish is easier than dried fish, especially in the "field conditions". It does not need to be salted for a long time, and then soaked before drying. Therefore, many anglers use this method of preserving their catch. Low-fat varieties of fish are best suited for this purpose.

So that the product does not lose its useful and taste qualities for a long time, you need to know how to store dried fish at home. There are several ways long-term storage this semi-finished product.

  • The best way is to wrap the finished fish in cling film and place in the freezer. After defrosting, the product should be dried for several hours.
  • This semi-finished product (wrapped in paper) is well stored on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. In this form, he will not lose nutritional value within half a year.
  • You can store dried fish in glass jars for a long time. Pour a little alcohol into the container, then lay the prepared carcasses, after which the cans should be rolled up with metal lids.
  • If there are a large number of fish, then it should be packed in cardboard or wooden boxes. From above, the container must be covered with a cloth to prevent dust and insects from getting inside. In this form, dried fish is stored in dry rooms with good ventilation from 3 to 6 months without loss of quality.
  • If you need to save this semi-finished product for a short period (up to a month), then you can simply hang it in a dark, cool room, wrapped in cloth or paper.

Dried and dried fish is a tasty and healthy addition to the table. Sun-dried is a ready-made product that can be consumed as an independent dish, as well as in hodgepodges and for salad dressing. Dried fish can be prepared delicious fish soup, fish hodgepodge or soup. Grinded into flour, it is used to add to meatballs, make gravy and pasta. It is important that these products retain their qualities for a long time and can be prepared for future use.

Drying is one of the oldest recipes for preparing products such as meat or fish for long-term storage. It is not surprising that today there are a huge number of connoisseurs of this kind of delicacies. Representatives of the most significant group of fans of dried foods in Russia are also beer lovers. Some of them buy fish for future use, but not many people know how best and more correctly to store dried fish at home.

We propose to consider in our today's article the main options for storing dried fish in the conditions of modern living:

  1. Suspended storage in a separate room, closet or other room;
  2. AT freezer refrigerator;
  3. In a basket or box;
  4. In a closed tin container;
  5. In a vacuum bag;

To start you make sure that the fish you are going to store is fresh. It should not have obvious signs of deterioration, including attention should be paid to appearance carcasses and the smell of fish. If you doubt that you can independently determine the "healthy" appearance of the product, then pay attention to the photos presented on the page of our website.

In case of obvious spoilage of the carcass by microorganisms, mold or oxidation processes, you should get rid of the fish - such a product is not suitable for storage even after it has been cleaned of fungus, moreover, its use can lead to serious poisoning.

Now let's look at each way of how best to store dried fish at home:

Hanging fish storage

This option is not available to everyone. The fact is that the fish occupies a significant space, in addition, with its large number, it emits an annoying fishy smell, which, most likely, will become an obstacle for most residents of city apartments. In this case, in the absence of other possibilities, we can still recommend hanging the fish on the balcony, after protecting the fish from sunlight.

However, this method is the best suited for owners of country cottages and cottages. If you are a happy owner of suburban housing, the question of how best to store dried fish at home is less acute for you.

So, each carcass should be carefully wrapped in several layers of paper in order to avoid overdrying, and then hung in a cool room, protected from sunlight, the humidity of which should not exceed 70%.

Please note that when choosing this storage method, the premises should be protected from the presence of various kinds of pests in it, including mice and rats and insects.

Storing dried fish in the freezer

A freezer will help you keep fish in excellent condition for up to ten months. This method is perfect for almost everyone if you have a camera of sufficient volume. The fish should be wrapped in paper and folded neatly, no further action is required.

Storage in a basket, box or linen bag

Unfortunately, the size of the freezer severely limits the amount of dried fish that can be stored in it. In the event that there are a lot of fish, any box, basket or bag that everyone will surely have will come to the rescue. The shelf life of fish with this method of storage is much lower than that of the previous two, however, if it is impossible to use other options, there is nothing else left.

It should be remembered that plastic bags and polyethylene are absolutely not suitable for these purposes, since they create ideal conditions for mold development.

Storing fish in a tin and food container

Now the way to store using tin can less relevant than a couple of decades ago. The fact is that it is not always possible to find a jar of suitable sizes. However, if you are a happy owner of such a unit, you can simply put fish in it, and then cover the jar with a tight lid of the appropriate size. In this way, you protect the fish from sunlight, excessive shrinkage and oxygen that can spoil the product.

On the other hand, a huge number of food containers of various sizes have appeared on sale. Such devices protect fish from external influences, do not allow additional oxygen and pests to pass to it, and also do not allow fish oil to go rancid. The downside here is the price - large containers are quite expensive. Besides, it is unacceptable to store containers with fish in heat or in direct sunlight.

Vacuum bags

This method is very good, but not available to everyone due to the need to purchase appropriate expensive equipment. The price of a household vacuum sealer can reach 15-20 thousand rubles, but there are also more affordable models. In such conditions, the fish is stored quite compactly, does not spread the smell, is always ready for transportation and does not deteriorate for a very long time, provided that the package is intact.

For those who have not found a suitable option among the above and have read the article to the end, we offer the last universal option, which requires a large number of ordinary glass jars.

Place the required amount of dried fish in a jar, then place a lit candle inside, and then close the lid tightly. The candle will burn all the oxygen in the jar and go out, leaving the fish safe. This will keep your stock fish fresh for several months.

Also, the jar can be rolled up with a tin or varnished lid, following the example of preserving ordinary tomatoes and cucumbers. In this case, the storage period can be extended up to five years. But it is worth remembering that glass jars with fish should be stored in a cool place protected from sunlight.

All of these storage options are perfect for products prepared on their own or bought in a store. If you have your own recipes for storing dried fish at home, write about it in

It's rare to find someone who doesn't love stockfish. It is not only delicious, but also very useful product which has a positive effect on our health. It is no coincidence that thrifty owners are interested in the question, is it possible to keep dried fish in the house?

Regrettably, but many do not really know how to create such a stock. But this is what can cause poisoning. So let's figure out how to properly store dried fish?

We select products

Well-preserved products dried at home. But not everyone has the opportunity to go fishing and bring a decent catch so that it can be salted and then dried or dried.

Thus, when you are going to keep your purchased dried or dried fish for as long as possible, get serious about buying it:

  • first of all, look at its color - a fish that has already lain for a long time will be dark gray, but fresh - light gray with a brown tint;
  • the surface of the fish should be fresh, without the least signs of spoilage and signs that flies or other insects visited it during drying;
  • it is useful to touch the fish carcasses - their hardness will tell you that they have lain on the counter for a long time;
  • look at the abdomen of the fish - they should be dry and not sticky;
  • smell it - ask if it was gutted before pickling, if not, then an unpleasant smell can come from it even when the deadlines for implementation are not violated.

Basically choose quality product it's not that hard.

We save correctly

In order to prevent the loss of useful and tasteful qualities of dried fish, sending it for storage, you must adhere to certain conditions:

  • first you should take care of the humidity level (permissible norms of 70-80%) - if it is higher than this indicator, then the products may become moldy, in dry air - it dries up and loses its taste;
  • you should not store a large amount of this product, but only as much as you can use it in the near future - even with perfect storage taste quality deteriorates;
  • it is not recommended that it be stored for a long time in plastic bags and foil - fogging will lead to mold and, of course, unsuitability for consumption.

When thinking about how to store products, you should be aware that they will lose their original appearance to some extent (after shrinkage, it may become a little smaller, it will not look so appetizing). Therefore, if this is so important to you, try to use the prepared product faster.

One more thing. If dried fish is stored outside the rules, and the proper humidity and temperature are violated, it becomes unfit for consumption, as it can deteriorate.

Storage Tricks

Let's take a specific look at how to store dried fish at home. There are the most applicable and, of course, tested methods for preserving fish at home:

  • in a refrigerator;
  • in the freezer;
  • hanging;
  • in specially and properly selected containers.


Keeping fish in the refrigerator means doing without problems. Separately, it must be packed in paper of the appropriate density (it is good when it is corrugated, because the packaging must “breathe”) and put on the shelf of the refrigerator. If the temperature is 8°C dried carcass will remain valid for six months.


If you do not want to use the refrigerator, you can use the freezer. Fish can be stored here for up to 10 months. Before storing in the freezer, carcasses should be wrapped in paper and carefully folded. No additional safe actions of the camera are foreseen.

Keeping in the freezer can increase the shelf life of dried fish, it increases to a year, but the appetizing smell disappears. So here you have to choose: taste or longevity of storage. For preservation, it should be put in small portions, since the products stored in this way cannot be re-frozen. It should also be remembered that storing dried fish together with different products can harm the quality of the latter. To avoid this, it is better to place the fish in zip bags or plastic containers before storing.


You can store dried fish at home not in the cold, but, for example, suspended. The main thing here is to save the dried product from excessive moisture and sunlight. Well kept fish, suspended and in the attic, balcony, basement or pantry. Before that, it should also be packed individually in paper. When maintaining the proper temperature (not higher than 10 ° C) and humidity (up to 80%), regular ventilation of the room, the fish will be stored for up to 4 months.

In container

Some owners know how to store dried fish in glass jars. Before packing, 50 ml of vodka is poured into each container, after which dried fish are placed. Banks are tightly closed with lids. The resulting vacuum makes it possible to keep the product for a long time.

dried fish

Separately, a few words should be said about dried fish. Often they are confused with the one in dried form. But they are completely different products. Dried fish is usually a semi-finished product that requires heat treatment. Can it be kept at home or in an apartment? Naturally, and even with the help of the above methods.

As you can see, the storage conditions for dried fish, as well as the dried version, are not particularly difficult. The main thing is to make sure that the drying is of high quality. Then decide on a storage method so that it does not dry out. Subject to the above recommendations regarding temperature and humidity conditions, you will always have this wonderful and useful product in the house. So dry, dry, save properly and - enjoy to your heart's content!

It is difficult to find a person who would not like dried or dried fish. Such a delicacy decorates the table during friendly gatherings in good company. Dried fish is the perfect snack for beer. Every self-respecting fisherman makes preparations of dried fish, which delight their family with their rich taste all winter long. Usually the fish are dried in large batches - for a couple of fish it's too much trouble. At the end, a large amount of tasty and moderately soft fish is usually obtained, which stimulates the appetite. But often the problem arises - how to store this fish? How to save the product for many months? After all, spoiled fish can be not only bitter, but also dangerous! We will talk in more detail about how to dry fish for storage, where and in what to store the product.

The benefits of salted fish

Well, what can be the use of this salty product, you say? And you'll be wrong. Salt kills all microorganisms, making the fish absolutely safe to eat. In this case, the fish is not subjected to heat treatment which retains all the vitamins, fats and minerals in it.

Dried fish has been proven to kill some cancer cells, which is why the product is used to treat cancer. Fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which affect the functioning of the brain. Regular consumption of fish reduces the risk of senile dementia, improves performance, and increases brain activity. The use of dried and dried fish reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke, improves the functioning of the heart muscle. By replenishing the lack of omega-3 fatty acids and eating dried fish, pregnant women reduce the risk of preterm birth. After a fish diet, very calm children are born who are not deficient in many vitamins.

How to salt fish for long-term storage

In order for the fish to be stored for a long time, it must be properly salted and dried.

  1. For drying, you need to choose strong and healthy fish, without visible damage. All caught fish are lowered to the bottom of a basin or bath. We wash the fish from silt and mucus with our hands. Be careful not to damage the scales. Without it, the fish will be stored much less. After that, the fish must be gutted. Small fish can be dried whole, but often the bile gives the carcass an unpleasant bitterness. If you have enthusiasm and patience, it is better to clean the fish. It will turn out much tastier.
  2. After that, the fish is transferred to a plastic or enameled container, sprinkled with salt. That is, you need to sprinkle salt on the bottom, then lay out a layer of fish, then new salt and fish, etc. For salting, choose fish of about the same size so that they are salted at the same time. Sprinkle plenty of salt on top of the fish so that the carcasses are almost invisible. Cover the fish with oppression and leave at room temperature. After a while, fish juice will begin to stand out - brine.
  3. After a few days, the fish can be checked. Take the fish by the gills with one hand, and pull the tail with the other. If you hear a characteristic crunch - the fish is salted, if not - give it another day. Now the fish needs to be soaked. Pour the entire contents of the container into the bath and draw water. All the fish that settled to the bottom was well salted, and the one that surfaced was not very salty. It is usually eaten first.
  4. Soak the fish in the bath for about 5 hours, changing the water several times to fresh.
  5. After that, the fish must be strung on a metal wire so that the carcasses do not touch each other. You need to hang the fish by the head, it is more convenient for the eye holes. If you hang the fish by the tail, the fat from the head will drain down, and the fish will turn out to be too dry.
  6. The fish is dried for about 10 days in a well-ventilated place. You can not dry the fish in the sun - it can deteriorate. It is important to protect the fish from flies during drying, otherwise such fish will not last long. To do this, wipe the carcasses with vinegar or alcohol, or simply dry the fish under gauze.
  7. It is very important not to overdry the fish, otherwise it will have to be literally gnawed. If the carcass near the ridge is a little soft - it's time to harvest.

Cooking fish is not the main concern. The main task is to properly store it.

To store this product, you need a cool room with a certain level of humidity (about 70%). The cellar is best suited for these purposes. Dried fish should be wrapped in baking paper or tracing paper. It is not recommended to use a newspaper for these purposes - printing ink is quite poisonous. Large fish need to be wrapped separately, and a trifle can be put in several pieces in a bag. After that, you need to hang the bundles from the ceiling so that air circulates around them. Too dry a room will cause the fish to simply dry out and become very hard. But too much humidity is useless - such a product can become moldy. You can also store fish on a glazed balcony or in the attic. If there are no such utility rooms, send the fish to the jar.

It is common and effective method long-term storage of dried fish. The jar is pre-washed and sterilized. The fish are tightly placed in it, but so that they are not damaged against each other. A small candle stub is placed on top metal stand to be ignited. While the candle is burning, quickly but carefully (so that the flame does not go out) roll up the jar with a lid. When all the oxygen is burned, the candle will go out by itself. The absence of air in the jar protects the fish from the growth of various bacteria and microorganisms. The banks themselves are stored in a dark and cool place. In this form, the fish can be stored for 3-4 months.

Fishermen store dried fish in special boxes. From boards or pieces of plywood, you need to put together a box a little higher than the size of the fish. Fish as a whole are suspended from the ceiling of the box and are in such a suspended state. The box is placed in a cool and dark room - basement, attic, cellar. There must be holes in the walls of the box for ventilation. Cover the box with cheesecloth to protect the fish from insects. Be careful - do not let the cat in the room, she will ruin all the fish for you.

Is it possible to freeze dried fish

If you have cooked too much fish that you will not be able to consume within the next few months, you just need to freeze it. Wrap the fish in paper and refrigerate. In no case should dried and dried fish be stored in plastic bags. In this state, the fish "suffocates", begins to mold and rot.

Frozen fish can be stored for a very long time, up to a year. If you consume fish in small pieces, you can cut the fish in advance and freeze it in portions to avoid re-freezing.

If you notice that the fish is rancid, moldy, or starting to rot, do not cut off the damaged areas and eat the rest of the carcass. Do not risk your health - such fish, after all, has not been thermally processed, and in an insufficiently dried state it can be dangerous. Cook and store fish properly for a delicious and safe delicacy.

Video: the secret to properly storing dried fish